A new, extended winter break for staff

October 30, 2020

Dear colleagues,

With the first snow of the season still floating down, we are delighted to share some news that we hope will enhance the holiday season this year – and every year from now on.

The Institute usually provides two regular days off and two Special Holidays in the last week of December; this year, staff members will be granted paid time off from December 24 through January 1 (two regular days off and five Special Holidays). In future years, the number of days and dates may change depending on the calendar, but the goal is to provide an uninterrupted winter break for staff in the closing week of each year.

Although this change has been in the works for some time, it feels especially fitting to be able to announce this now, as we head into the closing months of a year that has tested every one of us.

For your creative strength, adaptability and perseverance in the face of this persistent crisis, and for all you do for MIT despite personal obstacles and hardships, we could not be more grateful. And for the privilege of being your colleagues, we count ourselves fortunate every day.

May this new winter break give us all an opportunity to rest, reflect, relax and restore our strength for the year ahead.

With warm appreciation,

Rafael Reif

Ramona Allen
Vice President for Human Resources